Saturday, December 3, 2011

that's  Krazy

When you interrupt the storyteller

child: blah blah blah Blah Blah
--Adult: let me interrupt you there. that was actually
blah blah blah Blah Blah
--child: wait! i have a story too Blah Blah blah blah.
Adult: good point, kid

Monday, November 28, 2011

The poem starts like this
That morning I shat like excavating a pharaoh’s tomb. It really shook me.
Thinking I could peel back the eyelids and open her
Like a pharaoh’s tomb, she would lay a trap pillow I’d fall into.
When I woke up, scratching my ass,
I found her cookbooks on the couch. Why can’t
I stay on one string of ideas.dumb.
Write for a few minutes, expect gold.
Write an hour, get a sack of coal.dumb.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer
Today I slept 5 minutes in. When the floor of the bed shook hands and
parted ways with my ass, the tea was ready. Today I wobbled. When
moving my 45% couch across the house, I was really sitting. When
today came around, it’s tomorrow. It’s all ready- the baked pastries-
Do whatever you want
to me. I like what you do.
I’m a fan of your work, I mean. disembody

poetry was all moving
It’s today that spends the night
to munch tomorrow’s toast, a fleeting
owl poetry. The undergoer that can pulse
in the crescent of sprinkler hoses

is potent rude. look at poetry,  even creepycrawlers beat a retreat from
that poetry.

The words the Wordword words are bloated and
frozen. Today I slept skinny.

A comer and a goer in and out my doors,
jerry and gary, and the troggs too,
Smelling cigars is somebody’s hobby
somewhere somebody’s hobby smelling cigars What a backwards line somebody’s hobby somewhere hobbying the smelling of cigars. oh here’s one, cigars of the hobbyists’ delight smell those cigars like it is  somebody’s business, you know the smelling of cigars. this energy
                                                is limitless.
hid in a box, cigars from dad. a serious subject
because it is personal. The page is a battlefield.(alright, make an analogy) I’m not ready to command these troops across the poem.
it shouldn’t be alive
My poem requires ideas of juice ideas that juiceignite. This is basically a cold care kit.(borrowed language) Smelly slippers.(distraction. gary is a name I’d like but I don’t want any government to know how it is Skinny under a blanket of name. reader, don’t forget
your capItalizaTion.

What was I saying? Right, “Tobacco ads spread like cancer” on DVD  VHS  pie
charts. Thanks.
Chrle Epstn, bloated and frozen

friends won't last forever
people disappear even faster
the darkest tattoo is a lover

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

oo oo slippity sloo
i got a slimy song for you
fick ficuc fum kuf
leave your things in the truck
rectang fella hey foor ray A
smell it jell zit tell me thangs
oo Oh a grey toe
what'd you find on sale?

Monday, November 7, 2011

automatic power taking over

healing takes about 23 hours.

Monday, October 31, 2011

I am the son and the heir of a
shyness that is criminally
vulgar . Of nothing in
particular shy of
small and big and in between
2 and four
times a month, I am an unshy break-out like acne
like the permanent dotted nose-tip.

Laser skin removal is how to be shy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

sending to publisher

it's great. i don't hafto talk to anyone
sending you off, paper, so important eyes can look at you! isn't it exciting? oh
don't worry
they will send you right back to
me if they don't like your figure. 
maybe i got you all wrong. are
you right for publisher? 
dare i regret rescuing
you from the cluttered coffeetable?
who will
really treat you well? you don’t want to leave. I can see it in your body language. you
love me, don’t you

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Thursday, October 6, 2011

filthy mind

Her digested language.
  We search through
   poetic feces.
Women, squirm,
    do not! Y'all
    love poop jokes.
    A golden junkyard

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Saturday, October 1, 2011

For your allergies, take..
If I never had to
pick my nose,

a nostril unfull

a clean cave
cock carriage

a godless void,

I would smell the
world all over again.
an anti-asthmatic take…

but…Would I stop
liking cauliflower?

Maybe its best not to
fill that prescription…

Wild eyes prancing through and in forest
fingers, gnarling, trapping any one like
a child in a corner, in a flo
wer, under the belly of a turtle.
Pavement won my heart. beats with its green limbs.
Tum ta tum tee ta too tak tak ta tak
Thrush of water zig zags. sheet music sings
its zag zig jig hook a jaguar turret
tat tat tat ta tat yat yuck yeet sheep sleep
ing. taking. squeezing. ruckus. fuckus. us
used for leather jackets that zip sleakly
pretty words used for sonnet makes A grade,
what is lame is what is lame in the leg
trudged itself down and back the gay pride p’rade.

the reader's power

what is your
when your lungs inhale the light
that has whelmed your kitchen sparkly?
Does your
fight itself for a say?
How do
            I look
Could you
            pee right
to the left
of her foot?
            some common
sense, you and I?
We could learn to love each other, reader. But you have to
            let me take you
my way.
get down
never resist me
I’m all you got.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

literary anal.





































kill me when i enter this damn/d class.

Friday, September 16, 2011

AMORETTI, SONNET #75 By Edmund, rewritten.

This doesn't matter
to me, people. Old
people should not tell anyone how to
love. Love is always-
      The love melissa 
i make. Our love is not any body's love. A
community of two, like blowfish.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

if any one in this world has this camera, contact immediately. its beautiful, god. well, to such fella:
lets become familiar with each other, so maybe one day youll realize
i have something you want, too. then a trade.

"CHARLES EPSTEIN'S MUCH-NEEDED LESSON ON THE EMPHASIS OF THE INDIVIDUAL NONCONFORMIST FREAKAZOIDIC MAN-HUNGRY ALIEN WHORES Once there was a lonesome boy, one with no politics, no bonds, no emotion; nothing to regret. His friends were those who held interest in him. His true friend lied within his complexities. Then God created Earth. It was a very long process and required the majority of the people's taxdollars. All and all, God did a decent job. But one aspect God ignored, a problem that was prolonged to the many later centuries, was the ability for human minds to analyze, evaluate, and judge for their own what is most benificial. Reprecussions were closed-minded conformitym which led to war, racial discrimination, and...... THE END"
-I didnt write this, but I stole it

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

jeez laweez so what there aint no jeans on my knees

Thursday, September 1, 2011

today i
      feel like a shutter
      feel like robotic motion
      worry about the life of my love
      found a long hair from my head in my nose
      want a cat
      intimidate myself
      think i intimidate other kids
      sat ontop a spiral staircase
      have to pay rent
today i
      miss melissa
      had a dream about someone
                   who wanted to love
                   me and i wish
                   it was melissa
      haven't sneezed
      remember Ian's name
      remember Gookjin's name
      haven't written a comma
      used this black pen alot
      had alot of thinking to myself

     want to be in the netherlands

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Thursday, August 25, 2011

named ted
my wife says
i wont get out of bed
another sneeze
this is an unhappy
life to have on a day
like today

jay grabs the knife
he wore no coat
with his eye on aim
a poke in the throat

murky vision
stumbles in my shorts
wife and kids in the hallway

Friday, August 19, 2011

some other guy, and chris nealon: reading

some other guy, and chris nealon: reading

            The first reader was an ol nerved man with a lot to say about his poetry. A math poet, I’ll call him, because he seemed to weave his poems with computations. I don’t really remember any of his poetry because he was a lackluster reader. But I like old people like that. Even with his monotone, he seemed to have more life than the youth, with his half grin smile and wit joke.
            It was kinda like watching a mediocre movie with a friend you wanted to kiss but too afraid, except it was nothing like that. It was like being awkwardly stoned, sitting next to one’s poetry workshop teacher and a girl with legs too long. I was lumpy and nostalgic then. I wondered what made you so sick. I wondered if c4c got you sick. Then I remembered I had c4c, too, a likely flatulence brewing within me. Did my imaginable fart make you leave? I don’t feel bad about it, I’m just interested.

            The first reader was done reading and I clapped for him like I clap for everyone.

            The second reader came up and his name is chris nealon. I’ll call him a language poet. Man, the man was dressed up good. If I were to analyze his getup, that would make this response much longer. I won’t. But I could tell how he wrote. He was a lazy poet like me, with a phd. He talked about cars and social blinkers. It was nice, because it was a night to
            fuck the establishment.
After that, I thought about checkers. Does chess really have more elegance? The seats were terribly uncomfortable. Poetry is about complaining, you see.

            I liked the way nealon spoke. Calm like a sniper but always hit the punchline. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

gunna suffa so hard with tha blues
it hurts me to leave you here alone
mercy please 
make me made of stone

a piece of that word
smells so badly good

gunna suffa so hard with tha blues

if only 
if only
there was  a way to choose

mercy did 
make me made of stone
but im already falling to pieces

Thursday, August 11, 2011

he can pushup
he goes long 

Eventually, the women adopted qualities of the men, as seen in fashion change. Denim jeans, the workingman’s uniform, are now common among female legs.
A female is not a woman, for a female is yet unmarred by social influence. A woman is a female, an extension of what being a female can be.

time killer activity                                think about                                                       the ziggurat

Saturday, August 6, 2011

inflict a
man on a boy
and he becomes a man with
boyish tendencies. hardened design such as concrete
substituted for the soul. boss asks him to mop the podium and chairs
his other boss demands
women's bathroom cleanup. standing there she spreads her legs to pee. but he is shocked
unfair fire
on a mattress pressed against an alley's fence
versed in narcolepsy. isn't crazy speak-sleep.

divider- grass against cement

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I was five hours early. I walk
away uncomprehending, Thanksgiving glee stupefied; hunger
was my concern.
I survey the mediocre food establishments available, get dizzy
and sit down. So much shit to shit with hours to destroy through
choked security and

reading and
whistling whistles and
pacing to a dizzy and
sitting to a calmed dizzy and
eating ten dollars of hamburger and drinking and remembering sex and fighting off boners and
sitting without boners and standing again

and David Bowie audio circus and staring and staring and staring at 10:02, 10:02, and 10:02, and 10:01, and 10:03 and
Living middle earth sketches
a chain reaction
then the staircase trips over itself
over. friendships and attention, powerful and lonely. two stumbles per step. limpish.-desirable being broken. people want their own dramaticDeath, but it's easiest just to lie there.

One lies there with the jaw limp, gawks at the drama they owned year round on television, for some, bystandervision. the lucky ones are someone else's drama.

my brother claps for the baseball game and my sister stirs a dish of green.
everythings fine
who am i to blame for all the reasons i want to scream
interpreted Desno’s Dream.

Snakecave corridor in a dresser won’t please or dress her, the police the berry picking magic. When two people smell numbers. Exploration is haunt. Where are we. we are again. where we are. circles in square could lighten a frown monster. That yellow blackness, severe; sticky repetition, sours milk love that happens might happen. Walked up so down, gave birth a direction creation unseen but heard, brave submissive. Moment. Moment. Moment. Three moments in a momentous. Tabernacle. Canopy crawlers. Probably old growth with weakened age window, impossible. You lost impossible ear canals, dwit Monday split down the head, treat yourself like God in a box septiverse. I sit in a tub of eyes no one sees. They are owned eyes- can’t understand beautiful women from doorknobs. Walking from interview to sideshow is a cigarette nicely accented earth. Sounds like. Unborn architecture resting on a pillow. Doctor coughs.

7 and 7 sevens

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

speak malaysian
who are you

Monday, July 18, 2011

+how do you think about me?

-you're 6 years behind me
the moment it becomes


or She,

it has observed privileges.


some words can be plucked out and away
from a poem. a language living on necessity (not necessities, because a plural is excessive) has a
perfect design. a sentence can be travelled faster without the

i use parentheses to guard the weaker words. the reader im imagining carries a red pen,
so i better get it right the first time.
my 6th grade english teacher made shit of my written english
with her red pen. if i was frustrated, there would probably be Mom saying i was wonderful.

in the nude, no body has a bookdeal and no one cares who i/you am. children understand this the most. they remember coming out from their mothers, naked. and they run(flaunt) their nakedness around the front yard
until- years later- they are the ones scolding children.
look at me. look at me, or anyone, for what? their nudities, which we call quirks? no, maybe the words spoken are the things in a person most essential. but the Average person isnt concerned for what comes out of its mouth? how can i Learn the Average person when there is garbage blocking its mouth from speaking its own truth? could anyone offer some mind matter? an answer, perhaps

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

what dollar bills are made for

a scrap for road directions

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I would
I would like to
I would like to tell you
I would like now to tell you
I would like to tell you all secrets
I would like to tell you all secrets of the happenings

You are stuck in the
Stuck slower than motion
No air raid
Nothing left to touch you

You are stuck in this happening moment kneeling
and burning
Giving head to flying spirits
bring you down
You are no bird

In a
room of rooms
children seaving the sandbox.


children running in slow motion
Boy: sits on swing
kicks sand
walking along a grass field
looks at the sun
looks at feet
A spot of shade under the slide
likes to whistle
Someone comes near
looks away
Tables and benches
ponders at feet
chainlink fence around
falling on rubber floor

Faint clatter

carries pointless plaything
children dwarfed passed their height
i would like to write a poem about
innocence and the excitement of childhood

Monday, February 21, 2011

let's buy some second hand rollerblades m. 19th and skate your favorite walk, from the tall pole (palo alto) to the free-books-if-your-hands-sticky-enough (menlo park).
p.s. the best words begin with z and end in x and that's becus the best words dont exist yet whata relief! zelrox.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

AIM seems to be temporary unavailable
Love: from me to you, a great deal.
(I love you)
Sleep soundly: full of the sound of rain and visions of melissas

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If I never had to
pick my nose,

a nostril unfull

a clean cave
cock carriage

a godless void,

I would smell the
world all over again.
an anti-asthmatic take...

...Would I stop
liking cauliflower?

Maybe its best not to
fill that prescription...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An old friend'a mine

me: i like singing
Charlie: slid me some embarrassment mmm
11:11 AM me: youcan act, you can sing about Anything,it doesnt have to apply or make sense
Charlie: theres a whale in me and its blubbers foam
11:12 AM me: ionce killed a man with my tale and dome
11:13 AM Charlie: thought i heard someone sniffle in the bush, so i pulled out a killer telephone
11:14 AM me: what i found was your body shivering in moonlight, so i picked up thepieces and took you home
11:15 AM Charlie: mother, she forces the comb
11:16 AM but these untidy hairs cant bear to stare down the forky line
11:18 AM me: BRB
Charlie: mm

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Naked would make a nice name.