Sunday, September 11, 2011

"CHARLES EPSTEIN'S MUCH-NEEDED LESSON ON THE EMPHASIS OF THE INDIVIDUAL NONCONFORMIST FREAKAZOIDIC MAN-HUNGRY ALIEN WHORES Once there was a lonesome boy, one with no politics, no bonds, no emotion; nothing to regret. His friends were those who held interest in him. His true friend lied within his complexities. Then God created Earth. It was a very long process and required the majority of the people's taxdollars. All and all, God did a decent job. But one aspect God ignored, a problem that was prolonged to the many later centuries, was the ability for human minds to analyze, evaluate, and judge for their own what is most benificial. Reprecussions were closed-minded conformitym which led to war, racial discrimination, and...... THE END"
-I didnt write this, but I stole it

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