Thursday, June 28, 2012

everything i s bullshit

what does it take to be a man? If you want to say something is cute, make sure you say it's fuckin cute.

what does it take to make a friend? I don't know, but I used too.

what does it take to be alone? Nothing, just lock yourself away and your emotions to.

what does it take to say a prayer? Knees, hands, faith.

what does it take to change? Must have friends and enemies to make a difference in yourself and the world, if you got neither do drugs.

what does it take to be wealthy? Be born lucky.

what does it take to live? Food.

what does it take to die? A mixture of courage, cowardice, and inner vacancy.

what does it take to die while living, live while dying? Fuck it, just throw yourself under a garbage heap and eat shit.

***At anytime, substitute you for me.

A CURE!to all the bullshit which is  e v e r y  t h i n g  :

-- manicdepressive blog posts

-- hardthumping bass guitar jam, dark soundscaping callus making

-- get away from food

-- the 70 s
