Monday, July 18, 2011


some words can be plucked out and away
from a poem. a language living on necessity (not necessities, because a plural is excessive) has a
perfect design. a sentence can be travelled faster without the

i use parentheses to guard the weaker words. the reader im imagining carries a red pen,
so i better get it right the first time.
my 6th grade english teacher made shit of my written english
with her red pen. if i was frustrated, there would probably be Mom saying i was wonderful.

in the nude, no body has a bookdeal and no one cares who i/you am. children understand this the most. they remember coming out from their mothers, naked. and they run(flaunt) their nakedness around the front yard
until- years later- they are the ones scolding children.
look at me. look at me, or anyone, for what? their nudities, which we call quirks? no, maybe the words spoken are the things in a person most essential. but the Average person isnt concerned for what comes out of its mouth? how can i Learn the Average person when there is garbage blocking its mouth from speaking its own truth? could anyone offer some mind matter? an answer, perhaps

1 comment:

Melissa said...

get them alone

they are always much different