Friday, March 16, 2012


writers say dont use it. but i think it's very okay

very revised

(having revealed the dude was damn arrogant, arrogant like an arrow / Her Responsibility
            The handwriting on the wall narrows down at the breakfast in bed.
Mom sings to hovering pancakes
this golden Sunday morning like a brown nipple. I’m going to be fed.

Late I rise, up the ceiling lowers
the start of a modest day. Those upturned glasses sat on their back all night,
the same way our turtle choked on vomit. . . Jacob really messed up.

Anyway, I finish my meal and sprout to the next,
a cup of joe to get on with it.
Had to have gone on with it, no matter what the what.

Life for me has been, well, accommodated
so I am comfortable. The handwriting on the wall highly recommends
I take a break
so, I am comfortable with not much else to do but a pile of dishes

            Hello chap, could you kindly fetch me the paper. . .
thank you much. As I was saying,
the words come as easily as the Jewish money, the connection being that

moola makes language, to and fro, a boat ride. You know all too well,
do you? Okay then the poem ends here

            it’s not too late!:

The bed )on the wall narrows down on the hand
writing about breakfast. )Going towards Mom who hovers over sun day more ning,
who sings these gold enbrowned )piles of mourning me. . . feeds me

the vomit of his turnup turtle, )a real choked up
mess. Those meals lower modest, down )Jake’s gullet, be it a cup of nipple
that any brown dish of joe can sprout to a sunup )sputter and it wouldn’t

matter any way you read this, with glasses or on your )back—
            You will puke and go back to sleep )just like the turtle finished,
comfortable )for life. I accommodated, so

much )the High Hand reccommendated, what, not a pile of pancakes.
Take on )so kindly a break, could you
much. )The paper fetches the chap, thank it. Was. . .

I )saying the Jewish boat ride connection came with
money ‘la moo? )You do know the poem too, and fro, and where
it ends

--- Yesternight. from,
Charlie: ‘With welcome we
disport through the sinuous
assembly, a ceiling
over the head, unnerved’

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cole Swensen poem

"and the body between word and world fuses, frays" (Such Rich Hour, Cole Swensen)
and the time between an hour's utterance and
       the hand full of potential energy at 12
and the people in the city streets know
       the verses of the day, it will end at 5:30,
for some

I hope, one day, the clocks are burnt like jesus.
       Then we all won't know what to fucking do no more
the doing scheduled appointments, morning announcements,
newspaper n shit

morning poem

little green jewels, am we.
morning we see, night we born.
Fingies hate us, kill us
green little jewels. Squishy yet tough
You get rid of us, but you cannot for
              You are a factory of we.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Combined Styles “Recipe for Prison Pruno” + Hypnotherapy

Take 10 peeled oranges,
First, begin to breathe in
            and out.
one 8-oz. can of fruit cocktail,
On the inhale, imagine breathing GOOD feelings.
squeeze the fruit into a small plastic bag
As you exhale, you release all the BAD feelings.
and pit the juice along with the mash inside;
Now close your eyes,
add 16 oz. of water and seal the bag tightly.
and relax each part of your body;
Place the bag into your sink,
speak it, say relax on the exhale;
and heat it with hot running water for 15 minutes.
start by wiggling and relaxing your toes, then work your way up
Wrap towels around the bag to keep it warm for
all the way to your
Stash the bag in your cell undisturbed for 48 hours.
Count down from 10.
When the time has elapsed,
after each number, you take one more step down long stairs
add 40 to 60 cubes of white sugar,
You reach 0 and you reach the surface of
            a lake.
6 teaspoons of ketchup,
You can walk on the water and you feel
then heat again for 30 minutes.
The water can be pierced by pushing your hand
Secure the bag as before,
through the surface.
than stash it undisturbed again for 72 hours.
And as you reach deeper into the lake, your body becomes
Reheat daily for 15 minutes.
Think of when you were
After 72 hours,
What were the kind of people you spent your time with?
with a spoon, skim off the mash;
Did they go to your school? What did you all do together during
            lunch break?
pour the remaining portion into two 16-oz. cups.
Let anything that pops into your mind flow freely,
Guzzle down quickly!
You may be surprised by what you remember, and enjoy it!
Gulp Gulp Gulp!

 ---Nov 30th '11

The melody of my magic

Foogle fum fiddle
Fak frus fumblers
fla fla frees fluggun

Fitting fin the shade ov the free:
mother ucking hit I  ate you
Befrayal. My voice  orced to freak like this
rather be  oiceless.

o         Mama, mama I  ove you flo snuch
o         lover o Lover, snuffle fwee touch flo flowly
o and Dad, ow is  ork dese days
o kay freel  ice talking fwith phew
o my sister Sam who is so much I I much so her
o Jake Jacob Jake fumble genius and big lil brother

but       Mama mama, sweet annoyance I forgive. . .
but       you have that sandwich for me?
but and Dad, about that money. When will you. . .?
but       flease flease take  ood care ov I and the others,

not ferry sure what to, where to do next
Helpless, more often than not
Hurtful, empty ov fist ferocity

You think you can take me on? p--------ssesses
skills seen to chop up a family or put one together
 cratches on a vinyl recor or painting chorus curls
Watch me do:

Frish frosh  ti ti ti ti tak
Ya yeah faw set samoosrew
grep loo kadvala frees frees frees!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are we there yet?

Yet, there we are
napping on the clouds—
licking the stars
We are up in the clouds
and we can't get down

Below, a man hanging from a cliff
Yet, there we were not
So he plummets plummets, plummets
to the needles afar
pleading for his mother.

We spot a blackberry bush—
it’s voice calls for us
Yet, there we were—
napping on the clouds