Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The melody of my magic

Foogle fum fiddle
Fak frus fumblers
fla fla frees fluggun

Fitting fin the shade ov the free:
mother ucking hit I  ate you
Befrayal. My voice  orced to freak like this
rather be  oiceless.

o         Mama, mama I  ove you flo snuch
o         lover o Lover, snuffle fwee touch flo flowly
o and Dad, ow is  ork dese days
o kay freel  ice talking fwith phew
o my sister Sam who is so much I I much so her
o Jake Jacob Jake fumble genius and big lil brother

but       Mama mama, sweet annoyance I forgive. . .
but       you have that sandwich for me?
but and Dad, about that money. When will you. . .?
but       flease flease take  ood care ov I and the others,

not ferry sure what to, where to do next
Helpless, more often than not
Hurtful, empty ov fist ferocity

You think you can take me on? p--------ssesses
skills seen to chop up a family or put one together
 cratches on a vinyl recor or painting chorus curls
Watch me do:

Frish frosh  ti ti ti ti tak
Ya yeah faw set samoosrew
grep loo kadvala frees frees frees!

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