Monday, May 7, 2012

Where does depression go?

When the depression goes they have me feel belonged. When the depression goes there is something to look forward to. When the depression goes the body explodes flower joy. When the depression goes I can hear the birds chirping. When the depression goes life is so simple. When the depression goes it must be elsewhere. Today the clouds rain heavy so the depression must be there. When the depression comes I wish it never leave. When the depression goes I wonder why I was ever depressed. When the depression goes I'm in trouble. What comes up must come down. My sister calls me moodswing boy.


Melissa said...

and goes and it comes, like a wave

and hopefully one day, a simple memory

and no longer living inside of me.

Charlieepy said...

I think depression something you're given. It comes from injuries, contradictory parents and/or not being allowed to go outside enough.

I think depression saves us from becoming angry enough at the people who have wronged us because they can kill us with the flutter of an eyelash.

I think depression leaves eventually. Until shit goes bad again