Monday, April 30, 2012

“I can’t wait for your death

any longer human

Currently the Lethe takes you

in your pleasures

and successes

hopes dreams

and personalities.

Your were so ripe

Now cold blue

why do you smile

Are you

as ready as I am

to see you off?”

The boat trudges on.

The river curls

its lickity fingers at the woman fleshes

turning excited

and impatient.

The boat begins to slosh

violently the bow

dipping harder now.

“Pleeeeeeeeease beeeeee wiiiiiiiiith meeeeeeeeee . . .

your life

is a floooooooooowerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . .

I’ve been awakened

by your scent

It reminds me

of an ocean

I once knew

I release you

from your dark coffin blues!”

Her eyes open



open twice a little more

This time she rises

the river still

Her eyes spark

with hunger

and her body jumps

up without gravity

Flying her blue bird form

reflecting off the Lethe

The tide withdraws

for another to pass.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Today’s Writing Prompt

h0w yur marriag3 unravel5 

writing poems

the university wastes its time on me (charlIeepsteIn) 

fuck the things i carry on my checklist conscience
that could be a Tuesday essay about Monday masturbatory girlfriend crisis about a 
coulda-been job we erect Sunday’s morning-mullers they just take our coffee bean
bag automated cashier substitutes the human suspended by her busty brassiere could be
the sole source for the coffee sandwich w/ soy conformity my evil plan

watta funk the unhip hop gods gott me in
shoelace floppin like dreads ungiving a shit about
leglaces gooffin like dead spun stilt in front of stilt across
soft silt the color of red sun when eyes called be closed
soft silt laid down mattress-style fingers up and down and up yr back and down and  

down the highway gotta car now got to get gas soon now rot
expressions rot inspuration raise unallowed expectation ruin
ruining Boulder’s beauty-refundraiser thousands search for everyday so
stupid to believe in the chance of greatness is on a seat in front of a whiteboard behind a 
professor blah blah blah blah blah blah blah through the thousand dollar months

the I wastes its money inside the academy
the dead pan voice unversed
the splish splash of overflown bathtub these preoccupations slip slop out the heels
the I mute full of the unversty

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Ingrid is Eric

Monday, April 9, 2012

Study of Spring

Study of Spring
Suddenly, everywhere a newborn baby.
Natural wouldn’t give a shit
if you got snared in a thorny bush.
In fact,
This natural born killer hunts your
calcium bones

For all its soil. 

Nature will blow you down
a mountain on Monday,
Make prickle your descent
of a hill, small cacti
scattered. sets its
mosquitoes to your flesh.

Who is to blame for
Our dynamite war?

That sun who beams dryness
through our veins
while it hides water deep
in a mountain on Monday.

Why Our pavements
so upsetting to

Nature? Hardly, Our metal velocity
so downput by unbridged waters and
gaps in a jungle. Testify the climbers lose grips
and the river swimmers drown.

Look! The athletes of Earth

flee to their membership gyms,
every type of injury
categorized by square computers
Cannot compete with the wisdom of the wind
that moves sand dunes like ocean waves.

Want a higher purpose?
Go to school, read our books and
we will purpose you.
Want to purpose? Walk 30 miles West
build Nature into a hut
and make it your