Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hypercidal Civilian

I need some indicator- a dense nose drip, maybe a heavy dose of brain fluids mixed in, as well- to avoid, descend down from the groping vines that eradicate intestinal and emotional stability, acting with deliberation.
The world I live in, contrary to your barren planet, moves fast. I keep up by clenching my cognitive diaphragm, triggering all gears into turbo drive. With this, quality impairs, control over it varies. Then as I reflect on the project, there is ugly; no satisfaction, confidence downs.
I imagine a beautiful corpse sometimes, not in a homicidal or suicidal sense, but as a sign of solitude and relief. Death is a curse and life is a blessing. What does that make me..
What a morbid post.


Melissa said...

that makes you confused, probably. luckily, i don't agree with what their claims either. once you accept death, life gets a hell of a lot easier. you awaken, i supposeguess.

Melissa said...

slow is the way to go. sometimes.

Charlieepy said...

Reading this after a month, I now find this meaning- I never intend anyMeaning initially.

Melissa said...

well, good. it's like painting or tadpoles, should come out meaningless and develop its own meaning and limbs.

Charlieepy said...

: ] melissa